Author Led Book Study - Ridiculously Amazing Schools with Tracey Smith

  • 1 May 2023
  • 5 Jun 2023
  • 46


Imagine a school with a culture so positive that everyone thrives: students and educators alike. Classrooms are lively, students feel they’re part of a community that cares about them, and teachers are happy and productive. Too good to be true? Not in a ridiculously amazing school. 

Join co-author Tracey Smith and discover how to take care of educators first—and cultivating supportive relationships—to create profound and positive changes throughout your school community. Together you will explore the five key elements of courageous schools: schools that understand it takes a “whole” teacher to teach the “whole” child. 

Additional details:

  • CAMLE members may participate in this book study at NO COST. 

  • Others may participate for $25 per book study. Attendees at the 2022 annual conference are 2022-23 members.

  • Each book study will offer synchronous and asynchronous learning components.

  • There will be opportunities for asynchronous online discussion, activities, planning and application of key concepts, sharing artifacts and learning, and reflection.

  • Each book study will take place over a 2 month period.

  • Book studies will be staggered to allow for participation in multiple groups.

Participants can purchase 0.5 graduate credits from Adams State University for an additional $55.00 if desired.

Colorado Association of Middle Level Education


mailing address:  CAMLE  •  4650 E. Amherst Ave.  •  Denver  •  CO  •  80222

Our association is tax-exempt under Sections 501(c)(3)

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