A Live Big Community & camle Webinar event
Everyone has the capacity to build resilience. Resilience helps us work with the Voice of Small. It's pesky and sometimes it’s loud. The Voice of Small is inside your head, it puts you down, and tells you that you can't do hard things. The problem is that you become so used to hearing it that it starts to sound like the truth. When you believe the mean things it says, it zaps your energy and your ability to be resilient. In this webinar, you'll learn where the Voice of Small comes from and strategies to work with it so that you can create resilience.
January 14th, 2025
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm mtn
1 hour of Professional Development/ Continuing Education Credit
Lex Moschakis, Co-Founder & CEO of Live Big Community
Lex’s life mission is to promote the learning of self-care skills in schools so that they become as normal as learning math or science. Live Big helps adolescents and educators build confidence, resilience, and self-leadership skills. Lex plays Aussie Rules Footy and is the bassist in a rock-cover band.
CAMLE.Colorado Association of Middle Level Education
email: camlecolorado@comcast.net
mailing address: CAMLE • 4650 E. Amherst Ave. • Denver • CO • 80222
Our association is tax-exempt under Sections 501(c)(3)