Why Become a School to Watch?

1 Jul 2023 5:19 PM | Paige Jennings (Administrator)

By: By: Ryan Masciotra, Principal 

Note: This is the second in a series to help Colorado middle schools navigate the journey to becoming a School to Watch.

Last month, we explored the history and meaning behind Schools to Watch.  Let’s look at the benefits!  Linked to the Schools to Watch suite are three forms of association that focus on enhancing education at the middle grades.  

Schools that are recognized for the STW award become a part of a tremendous professional base that offers collaboration, networking, and professional development.  This begins with CAMLE, the Colorado Association of Middle Level Education.  Each year, recognized schools receive dated banners and are featured at the annual CAMLE conference.  Not only does the conference offer professional development sessions from schools to watch all over the state, but it provides outstanding learning from quality keynote presenters.  Official Schools to Watch can present at the conference and share their excellence practices with others.  The conference takes place in October and is open for registration now!

Along with CAMLE conference participation, Schools to Watch staff can join to become CAMLE members.  Membership includes professional communication, discounted conference registration, access to in depth book studies with other middle level educators, and more.  A dual membership is also available, which includes a membership to AMLE - the Association of Middle Level Education.  Benefits include access to a multitude of resources, discounts on professional literature, voting rights, and discounted state conference registration.  

Finally, Schools to Watch can join the National Forum (and be recognized at the national conference).  Membership has three tiers and comes with access to publications, a discussion board, and early-bird registration for the national conference.  The conference, held in Washington, DC each June, features breakout sessions from current Schools to Watch, vetted keynote speakers, and an opportunity to connect with educational lawmakers on Capitol Hill.  This year’s conference featured teacher and author Erin Gruwell from The Freedom Writer’s Diary and teacher Dwayne Reed. 

Be on the lookout for next month’s article, which will outline the application process for becoming a School to Watch.  To learn more about The National Forum, visit their website:  https://www.middlegradesforum.org/.  To learn more about CAMLE and membership offerings, visit their website: https://camle.wildapricot.org/Join-us

Ryan Masciotra is a principal at Corwin International Magnet School in Pueblo, CO - which has been a Colorado School to Watch since 2013 (2013, 2019, 2023).  CIMS is a grades 4-8 International Baccalaureate World School and was established in 2008.  

Works Cited

“/ /.” / / - Wiktionary, https://camle.wildapricot.org/Join-us. Accessed 1 July 2023.

“MEMBERSHIP.” The National Forum | Schools to Watch, https://www.middlegradesforum.org/membership. Accessed 1 July 2023.

“Membership Benefits.” AMLE, https://www.amle.org/membership-benefits/. Accessed 1 July 2023.

Colorado Association of Middle Level Education

email:  camlecolorado@comcast.net

mailing address:  CAMLE  •  4650 E. Amherst Ave.  •  Denver  •  CO  •  80222

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